Chelsi Stahr

Tampa Bay Medium

My purpose is to serve those seeking guidance, clarity, closure and healing by delivering meaningful messages from loved ones in Spirit.


My name is Chelsi Stahr and I'm a Psychic, Evidential Medium and Holistic Spiritual Counselor living and working in warm, sunny Tampa Bay!

  Mediumship is a way to reach out to the Spirit World to receive specific messages and evidence from our loved ones who have passed on.
The phrase "Evidential Medium" refers to a Medium who can produce unique facts that only the sitter and deceased loved ones would recognize. The practice of Evidential Mediumship requires intense study and responsibility. Working with Spirit is not something to be taken lightly; it's a precious gift and a calling that I feel honored to share. The ability to link with source energy and communicate with Spirit to provide accurate information takes years of dedicated work, for which I am grateful. The World of Spirit is all around us and filled with love and acceptance. The opportunity to link with the sublime energy of Source, helping people reconnect with those who have passed providing reassurance of life after death is extremely fulfilling.

As a Holistic Spiritual Counselor, I can link psychically with the sitter to determine the cause of the emotion blockage or trauma and guide them through steps to begin healing. I believe that we are all born with a sixth sense linking us to the Source Energy in all things. The world we live in is loud and busy and does not align with developing our spirituality. I work to remind people how to reconnect with their intuition by taking time each day to be quiet, listen to their inner voice, and increase their psychic awareness by remembering how to re-link with Source. As a Counselor, I do my best to help people remember their divine God-given power so they can learn to ask how to receive healing through the infinite power of Spirit in their daily lives.

Please, let me know how I can help you?

Psychic Awareness

Psychic awareness is realizing there are no limits in life, only what we place on ourselves. WE can access information outside the normal realm whether we choose to or not...we know the truth of the situation. Sometimes it’s not my place to interfere with another’s progress unless they reach out for help. 

"See the light in others
& treat them as if that's all you see."

- Dr. Wayne Dyer

Contact me today to book an appointment!

Tampa Bay Medium

- Chelsi Stahr -